Tuesday, July 13, 2010


I don't really feel like giving an introduction because I don't know who you are. There are many different types of people on this earth. You could be one of those people from India, or you could be one of those American people. Perhaps you are British or Polish or Russian. Or maybe you're a pedophile. There really isn't a way of telling.

So, I started a blog today. I suppose that's interesting. I started a blog because I decided that maybe people would care about what I have to say because I really do have a lot to say. I say that we should respect the environment. I say that Facebook is NOT a computer skill. I say that Xbox 360 is better than PS3. I also think that the Edmonton Oilers should win the Stanley Cup again because that would be cool, but unfortunately, we suck. And I don't know why we suck, it could be because we just got a new coach, or maybe it's the fact that we stupidly traded Ryan Smyth (My favorite hockey player of all time) to some team who I can't remember at the moment.

Anyways, I'm not sure how I'm going to write this, I just intend to write how I speak: very quickly and with constant topic changes (Hence the name of the blog) I really don't want to let my perfectionism get in the way of writing what I think, because maybe I'll make somebody laugh. That's the ultimate goal.

I've changed my mind, maybe I will tell you a bit about myself, you russian pedophile.

I like Twitter.
I like Facebook.
I like Xbox LIVE. (And I need some more of that, my subscription ran out.)
I play a guitar with Hello Kitty on it. It's name is Kitty.
My Xbox has a name too, it's name is Joey the second. There was a Joey the first but he got the Red Ring of Death and then we tried to fix him but then my dad scratched the motherboard. It actually does work now but I have since gotten a new one, and my dad plays the old one. OFF TOPIC.
I'm trying to lose weight. It's not going very well.
Yes, this is how I would speak if I had a conversation with you.

That was boring and I don't want to do it anymore so I'm going to talk about my guitar. It's a Fender Squier Affinity Stratocaster and I like it. Like I said, it's got Hello Kitty on it and that is why I don't want to get a new, less crappy guitar. I mean if I knew how to paint a guitar, I'd get a new one in the future, but you see I don't know how and that expressionless Hello Kitty face is now a part of me. (Sounds stupid? I've got a Hello Kitty watch, a Hello Kitty guitar strap, a Hello Kitty purse and right now I have treated the blister that has formed on my thumb with a Hello Kitty band aid. Oh wait, that still sounds stupid.) BACK TO TOPIC. But if I knew how to paint a guitar (Or knew somebody who does), I'd probably save up for a really long time and then get a guitar with lots of features and stuff and then I'd get somebody to paint it up so it satisfies my Hello Kitty addiction. I like her.

Okay, let's change the topic again.
When I made this thing, I used a different url to it, but I didn't like it so I decided to change it. I swear to god, it took me 5 minutes to understand the CAPTCHA or whatever that thing is. Know what I'm talking about? That little box under EVERY sign up form that DOESN'T SPEAK HUMAN? The words were like "%(PO%$#@((U@#*&" And it was like "Yeah bud, that's a word." And I was like "NOOO IT'S NOT! D: D: D: D:" And I like that face. That D: face. I also like :D.

Moving on.
I'm kind of getting bored with this, I don't really have anything to rant about.

Oh wait, yes I do.
I went to the Orthodontist today. I think they should call it something different, perhaps something that means PAIN in latin. Whatever that is. I hadn't gone to see this lady in 2 months (Actually, she looks more like a man but her name is Nancy) and she sends one of her hygenists to start the appointment stuff. (Hygenist = Latin for "Minion") And let me just say that she sent her minion almost AN HOUR after they had sat me down in the seat. I mean sure I DID have Anne of Green Gables to read (Thanks to the iBooks app) but for serious, you'd think that they would put you in the chair when they were actually READY for you. And the worst thing is when they see you right away, sit you back to take the alastic things off of your teeth (Yeah broski, it's spelled alastics, don't ask me why. I call them the chains of DEATH, PAIN AND SUFFERING but that's only when they take them off.) and to do that they have to sit you back. So whatever they do that and then they LEAVE YOU IN SOME SORT OF 200 DEGREE ANGLE FOR ANOTHER HOUR BEFORE THE MAN COMES AND SEES YOU. But today wasn't one of those days. I read my book like a big girl and then told them I wanted blue and then yeah. But apparently I get them off in three to nine months. I think my teeth look ABSOLUTELY fine but they have to give me another x-ray to see when exactly.

To end the wall of text.
And have you ever gone to the dentist and gotten the full skull x-ray? "DON'T MOVE YOUR MOUTH!" That seriously makes me want to laugh. I mean sure I get the giggles all of the time but how can they not expect you to burst out laughing when there's this thing spinning around your head and singing a song? Oh, am I the only one?

Oh man, I could go on and on, but I think I will finish this post.
Goodbye Mr/Mrs Russian Pedophile.


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