Tuesday, July 20, 2010


So, I haven't updated in a few days.
But it's not like anybody cares (Except for Mike, thanks Mike) but whatever.

So I'm at a friends house.
I haven't been to her house in a crazy long time because let's just say that lots went down since I'd last been there so I was a little nervous. So whatever, we got there and then there were FIVE CARS IN THEIR DRIVEWAY. Let me mention that whenever I'm around a friend's family I get EXTREMELY NERVOUS. So apparently her stepdad's mom and aunt were there. GREEEEEAT. Apparently her stepdad's mom is satan on Earth so my heart literally comes up in my throat because I was so nervous. (I'd like to mention right now that the last draft of this autosaved at 8:32PM. It's 8:31.) And I should also put out there that I am very socially awkward. If I am uncomfortable in a situation (Haven't been there in a very long time, meeting people for the first time, talking to a friend's parents ETCETERA.) I will not have any idea whatsoever to do with myself. My brain CAN AND WILL stop working. So I say stupid things. Really really really really really really really really really really really really really really stupid things. (If I signed onto msn on her computer, I wonder if she'd notice) Also, her family was eating dinner. I am an extremely picky eater. Her parents don't bother feeding me anymore (Thank god) or else it would have been a complete and total disaster. Anyways, we ended up eating alphagetti. It was amazing.

Another thing about my friends house. I had to go to the bathroom. Now, I know there's nothing special about that but her bathroom is weird. Let me expound. I had finished doing what I had gone to do and wet my hands, thinking that would be enough. However, I noticed the soap dispenser and had a second thought. I decided that it would be best if I were to wash my hands after all. I pumped the soap dispenser expecting perfectly normal soap only to find that her soap had been replaced by alien slime! Alarmed, I washed the stuff off of my hands as soon as I possibly could only to find that her door had locked on me! After struggling with the door for a matter of seconds I managed to free myself. And then I ate some trail mix.

Oh man, I really don't feel like writing any more. And I know that this was totally unfunny. Meh.

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