Wednesday, August 25, 2010


So, in one week from today I will be a freshman in High School. Since I'll be a freshman, I had to go register. It was a good day for me to register since I could have first pick of all the classes I needed to transfer to. After fixing my courses, it was time to get my ID picture taken. The photographer was a pretty cool guy but he messed up my picture by putting a purple background instead of a red one like I had asked. So whatever, they were cool about it and fixed it. BUT ONLY A LITTLE BIT. You see, I have braces so I decided "You know, I don't really like my smile, let's try to smile with my mouth closed!" Since I'm getting my braces off before the year is out, this seemed like a good plan. INSTEAD I ended up trying not to LAUGH and the new picture (That's going to end up going to my family) looks worse than the original. But on the upside, I get TWO ID's. At my school, you actually need ID's there if you want to use the library or if teachers need to access your file. So I can choose which one I like better one day and use it WHENEVER I FEEL LIKE IT. However, I think the guy should have shown me my picture before he printed the ID off so I could say I liked it or didn't like it. I mean, not just for me but for everybody, no?

So then we got in the lineup that takes us to pay our school fees. THIS LINEUP TOOK ONE HOUR TO GET THROUGH. I don't know what made it so freaking complicated. There were 4 desks, and a little more than 250 kids to register that day (They did it by grade, y'see.) It was so painful. THEN we went to the "Book Room" and I had to wait to get my textbooks (Which didn't take that long) But I think they missed my Biology 20 book which is no big deal since I don't need it until second semester. But they missed it D:

Oiy. I don't feel like writing anymore. I just figured I'd update all 4 of you on what's going on.

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