Saturday, January 29, 2011


I am not going to apologize for my lengthy absence. Why? Because I know for a fact that very few people care that I have been away for quite some time and I'm alright with that.

There have been many instances over the past few months where I could have typed a quick post in order to keep my followers happy at 2:49 in the morning, but I didn't. I'm not exactly sure why, but I didn't once think "You know, this would be an excellent time to put this on my blog and be fabulous and have people love me forever." Although, it would have been an excellent time to put that on my blog and be fabulous and have people love me forever. I'm not really sure why I'm posting tonight, especially when I really don't feel like it but I am, so there.

I suppose there's one topic that's weighing heavily on my mind tonight, and that is Boy. Seeing as there is a link to my blog on my Facebook page, I'm not going to name Boy. He's going to remain Boy. In fact, this entire post is probably going to be dedicated to Boy. Boy, feel special.

I met Boy a few days after I started High School. I'm not going into specifics because Boy could access this if he so chose to, and he'd think I'm really creepy if he wasn't dense enough to realize that I was talking about him. Anyways, I guess a few months went by and I thought "Wow, Boy is pretty funn- Heeeey, a SENIOR!" Any of my friends could tell you that I was in "Laave" with a new senior every week. I was going to get married and have babies with them but they just didn't know it yet.

I realize that there are many people out there who would absolutely love to take a peek inside of a teenage girls mind. Reading my blog is both a fantastic and horrible way to do it. Horrible because there's an Oblivion rant coming in the near future and fantastic because there's a Boy rant coming in the even nearer future. (Excuse me while I stalk his facebook page for a moment.)

Guess what? I'm not going into detail about how I first realized my feelings for Boy! Reasons explained above! Anyways, it took me a really long time to realize that I even remotely liked the guy, and it was for reasons really really stupid. And when I realized that I liked him, I began to positively freak out every time I was even in the same building as he was. (And we go to the same school, so I was freaking out on a fairly regular basis.) Anyways, let's fast forward through the part when we started actually talking, and let's fast forward through the part where I started to realize that my infatuation for Boy extends farther than I thought possible. Long story short, I really like the guy, he's been on my mind lately and I want to ask him on a date. HOWEVER, I'm too scared. By scared, I mean I practically poop my pants at the thought of flirting with him. (Although, I think I flirt once or twice. I didn't really mean it, but I think I did. I dunno. What's flirting exactly?)

Dear lord that was an awful rant. Boy, I'm sorry.

Now, an Oblivion rant.

There are many reasons I like Oblivion. The first being that it makes me swear at my TV, but not in a bad way. I find it wonderfully entertaining to swear at an Orc who just so happens to be trying to bash my battlemage's skull in. I find it awesomely awesome to parade my character around in pretty dresses even though she's a hardcore warrior. But I suppose the one thing I hate most about Oblivion is the Necromancers.

Necromancers are these spineless little mages who have no idea how to fight for themselves so they summon zombies to do all of the fighting for them. And you know what? They're really really really freaking annoying. And yeah, once I get past the zombies or skeletons or ghosts or whatever they feel like summoning to make my life miserable, I can totally ruin them by hitting them something like three times with my katana. While this is easy, when there are something like eight of them and they're ALL sending their zombies after you, the game gets really infuriating really fast.

New paragraph. You know what I really LOVE about Oblivion? The arena. Dear lord, I got addicted to the arena in about ten seconds flat (which is I believe how long it took me to completely destroy my first opponent.) There's something oddly satisfying about making the guy in the basement like me a little more each time I win a fight. You know what else is oddly satisfying? Punching mud crabs in the face, but not before you capture their little souls. I love it so much. My katana is awesome, however it can't beat the sensation of simply punching it out.

Oh, man. I feel horrible now.

/awful post.